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This is a website that aims to give the user an effective and easy to use tool for searching for properties through the Internet platform and

This page has therefore aim to inform you about products and services offered by the company Buscat.

The content of this site is formed by texts, photographs, plans, promotions, prices, videos as well as all other information included.

The company Buscat owns the intellectual property rights and industrial image of the content of this page. Consequently, it is not allowed total or partial reproduction, distribution or public disclosure, except for purely personal or private use without the written consent of the company Buscat.

Any violation of the provisions above is considered an infringement of the rights of intellectual, industrial and image property of the company Buscat leading to corresponding responsibilities.

The company Buscat is not responsible in any way the accuracy of the content published on the page as it is provided directly by the owners or intermediary companies, which are only responsible for its accuracy.

The content posted on the site do not constitute an offer or a contract document and is published only for informational purposes only, it is not, in any case by the user, the beginning of a relationship or an obligation to hire the company Buscat.

Also, the company Buscat reserves the right to modify the content, layout or presentation of the page, or limit access, or modify its terms and conditions of use without notice.

Regarding the computational services provided through the Internet, the user take on the damages in case of any technical problem occur or transmission as well as damages when supplying to third parties, information from the use of this service, freeing the company Buscat of any responsibility in this regard.